Muscogee International, LLC

SBA certified 8(a)
Technology Solutions for Your World
info@muscogeeinternational.com | Okmulgee, OK, 74447 | USA
8(a) STARS III GWAC (for info, click here)
Muscogee International Services & Solutions
Shared Visions. Global Operations.
Muscogee International is a full-service technology integrator, providing professional design, installation, project/program management and consulting. Our staff is highly experienced in design, installation and project management of enterprise solutions and includes a BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCCD).
Global Operations
World Wide

Muscogee International serves clients in North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia with solutions for munitions response; humanitarian demining; environmental remediation; intelligence support; logistics; life support; risk management; communications; and other services in some of the world’s most challenging and hostile environments.