Muscogee International, LLC

SBA certified 8(a)
Technology Solutions for Your World
info@muscogeeinternational.com | Okmulgee, OK, 74447 | USA
8(a) STARS III GWAC (for info, click here)
Logistics Solutions

Government agencies looking to tackle big jobs while reducing waste and inefficiencies can count on Muscogee International to deliver on both scores. We’ve been a proud and indispensable partner to several government agencies over the decades. Whether helping to assemble nuclear power plants, facilitating emergency shipments of generators after natural disasters, or transferring entire U.S. army bases via the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process, our Government Logistics experts and asset-based transportation resources stand ready to assist in government projects both long-planned and quick-moving.
Our “Mission First” focus, lean methodology, and deep understanding of government and military operating environments provide you with relevant, timely, and practical guidance. We put the best practices of the commercial sector to work for government budgets.
As our nation reinvests in its infrastructure over the coming years, Muscogee International is uniquely qualified to assist in both the planning and execution of complex, local, and national projects. What can we build next?
When companies are in need of outsourcing more complex functions, Muscogee International contract logistics services can properly analyze logistics challenges and conduct a thorough analysis of business needs in order to provide a customized solution.
Muscogee International has experience managing supply chains for companies of all sizes, and our international team of project managers is ready to step in so you can focus on your core business. Our contract logistics help you:
Enable an information-driven supply chain through the development of visibility and knowledge management services.
Reduce assets and improve financial returns
Drive operational excellence and consistency across all operations
Aid inventory control challenges to reduce network costs
Whether you’re looking for new conceptual objectives and a strategic redesign, or you need help pinpointing problem areas and cutting the fat from your operations, Muscogee International’s subject matter experts will take the time to understand your needs and eliminate waste from your operations.
There’s so much to stay on top of these days, from freight management to contingency planning to compliance review. Are you comfortable with your risk management and safety analysis?